The third of my new Harry Potter afghan blocks is here – Hermione Granger! For other Harry Potter afghan blocks please click here.
After playing around a lot with different stitches and techniques, I’ve decided I really like the look of crochet bobble stitch for my afghan (even though it’s a yarn eater!). It also makes the fabric really thick which will be great for keeping warm this winter! However, using the charts you could easily make this pattern using c2c crochet or use it as a cross stitch pattern.
My plan is to make a series of these afghan blocks to sew together into an afghan. The block has a lot of space at the top for a reason – it’s for when I make our dear Keeper of Keys and Grounds (he really is a giant!).
The next bobble stitch Harry Potter square is coming soon.
Please check out my other free Harry Potter patterns
If you would like to be updated every time I post a new pattern, please fill in the form ‘Subscribe to blog via email’ (on the right hand side on desktop view, or scroll down on mobile).
Materials and Size
For the rectangle I used dk/light worsted weight yarn and a 4 mm crochet hook. Yardage for each colour is based on dk/light worsted weight yarn and a 4 mm crochet hook, however you can use any size yarn and hook combination you like, just please be aware that this will change the size of the finished rectangle and the yardage required.
Finished size: 20 cm by 36 cm (7.9” by 14.2”)
Purple yarn – 125 m (137 yards)
Dark grey yarn – 6 m (7 yards)
Light grey yarn – 7 m (8 yards)
Black yarn – 25 m (27 yards)
Yellow yarn – 2 m (3 yards)
Red yarn – 3 m (4 yards)
White yarn – 2 m (3 yards)
Flesh coloured yarn – 20 m (22 yards)
Orange yarn – 22 m (23 yards)
Stitch Explanations
Bobble Stitch – The bobble stitch is made up of 4 incomplete dc stitches. To do this: yarn over, insert hook into stitch, yarn over, pull through stitch you inserted the hook into, yarn over and pull through two stitches on hook (2 stitches left on hook). Yarn over, insert hook into same stitch again, yarn over, pull through stitch you inserted hook into, yarn over and pull through two stitches on hook (3 stitches left on hook). Yarn over, insert hook into same stitch again, yarn over, pull through stitch you inserted hook into, yarn over and pull through two stitches on hook (4 stitches left on hook). Yarn over, insert hook into same stitch again, yarn over, pull through stitch you inserted hook into, yarn over and pull through two stitches on hook (5 stitches left on hook). Yarn over and pull through all five stitches on hook.
DIY from home has a great video tutorial showing how to make bobble stitches
(although I used 4 rather than 5 incomplete dc stitches)
Or for those of you who prefer diagrams rather than videos, hobby craft have some great illustrations
(although, again, I used 4 rather than 5 incomplete dc stitches)
When working the bobble stitches the wrong side of the work will be facing you (the bobbles form on the other side of your work)
Changing colour in sc – insert hook into stitch, yarn over, and pull through (2 stitches on hook), yarn over with new colour and pull through both stitches on hook.
Crochet Dreams has a great video on this
Or Malloo Knits have great diagrams
Graph Instructions
Each square on the graph represents both the foundation row for each bobble row (sc row on right side of work) and the bobble row itself (1 bobble and 1 sc on wrong side of work) (i.e. the two sc stitches in the foundation row, and then a bobble stitch and an sc stitch in the bobble row).
The yellow and red combination squares are worked using a strand of red and a strand of yellow at the same time. These bobbles can be reduced to 3 incomplete dc stitches instead of 4 (or you can use a lighter weight yarn).

Written Instructions
Row 1: with purple yarn, 31 ch
Row 2: starting in 2nd chain from hook, 30 sc
Row 3: 3 ch, (1 bobble stitch, 1 sc) to end
Row 4: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 8 sc changing to black in last sc, 6 sc in black changing to purple yarn in last sc, 2 sc in purple changing to black in last sc, 6 sc in black changing to purple yarn in last sc, 8 sc in purple.
Row 5: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 4 times, changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times, changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 1 time, changing to black in sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times, changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 4 times.
Row 6: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 10 sc changing to flesh in last sc, 4 sc in flesh changing to purple yarn in last sc, 2 sc in purple changing to flesh in last sc, 4 sc in flesh changing to purple in last sc, with purple 10 sc.
Row 7: with purple yarn 3 ch (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 5 times, changing to flesh in last sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times, changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once, changing to flesh in sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times, changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 5 times.
Row 8: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 8 sc changing to black in last sc, 4 sc black changing to dark grey in last sc, 6 sc dark grey changing to black in last sc, 4 sc black changing to purple in last sc, 8 sc purple.
Row 9: with purple yarn 3 ch (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 4 times changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to dark grey in last sc, with dark grey (bobble stitch, 1sc) 3 times, changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times, changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 4 times.
Row 10: repeat row 8
Row 11: repeat row 9
Row 12: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 6 sc changing to flesh in last stitch, with flesh 2 sc changing to black in last sc, with black 4 sc changing to light grey in last sc, with light grey 6 sc changing to black in last sc, with black 4 sc changing to flesh in last sc, with flesh 2 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 6 sc.
Row 13: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to flesh in last sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) one time changing to black in sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times, changing to light grey in last sc, with light grey (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times, changing to flesh in last sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once changing to purple in sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times.
Row 14: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 6 sc changing to black in last stitch, with black 6 sc changing to light grey in last sc, with light grey 6 sc changing to black in last sc, with black 6 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 6 sc.
Row 15: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times, changing to light grey in last sc, with light grey (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to purple in sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times.
Row 16: repeat row 14
Row 17: repeat row 15
Row 18: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 6 sc changing to black in last stitch, with black 2 sc changing to red and yellow in last stitch (use a piece of red and a piece of yellow yarn together), with red and yellow 2 sc changing to black in last sc, with black 2 sc changing to light grey in last sc, with light grey 6 sc changing to black in last sc, with black 6 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 6 sc.
Row 19: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once, changing to red and yellow in sc, with red and yellow, (bobble stitch – use 2 incomplete dc rather than 4 – 1 sc) changing to black in sc, with black (1 bobble, 1 sc) once changing to light grey in sc, with light grey (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to purple in sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times.
Row 20: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 4 sc changing to brown in last stich, with brown 2 sc changing to black in last stitch, with black 6 sc changing to light grey in last sc, with light grey 2 sc changing to red and yellow in last stitch (use a piece of red and a piece of yellow yarn together), with red and yellow 2 sc changing to light grey in last sc, with light grey 2 sc changing to black in last sc, with black 6 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 2 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 6 sc.
Row 21: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once, changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times, changing to light grey in last sc, with light grey (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once changing to red and yellow in sc, with red and yellow (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once changing to light grey in sc, with light grey (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once changing to purple in sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times.
Row 22: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 4 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 4 sc changing to black in last stitch, with black 4 sc changing to white in last sc, with white 2 sc changing to flesh in last stitch, with flesh 2 sc changing to white in last sc, with white 2 sc changing to black in last sc, with black 4 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 2 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 4 sc.
Row 23: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times, changing to white in last sc, with light grey (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once changing to flesh in sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once changing to white in sc, with white (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times.
Row 24: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 6 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 4 sc changing to flesh in last stitch, with flesh 10 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 4 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 6 sc.
Row 25: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to flesh is last sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 5 times, changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times.
Row 26: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 4 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 4 sc changing to flesh in last stitch, with flesh 14 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 4 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 4 sc.
Row 27: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to flesh is last sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 7 times, changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times.
Row 28: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 4 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 4 sc changing to flesh in last stitch, with flesh 14 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 4 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 4 sc.
Row 29: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to flesh is last sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 7 times, changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times.
Row 30: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 4 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 4 sc changing to flesh in last sc, with flesh 2 sc changing to black in last sc, with black 2 sc changing to flesh in last sc, with flesh 6 sc changing to black in last sc, with black 2 sc changing to flesh in last sc, with flesh 2 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 4 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 4 sc.
Row 31: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1sc) 2 times changing to flesh is last sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once, changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once changing to flesh in sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times, changing to black in last sc, with black (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once changing to flesh in sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) once changing to brown in sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times.
Row 32: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 6 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 4 sc changing to flesh in last sc, with flesh 12 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 2 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 6 sc.
Row 33: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1sc) once changing to flesh is last sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 6 times, changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times.
Row 34: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 6 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 10 sc changing to flesh in last sc, with flesh 4 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 4 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 6 sc.
Row 35: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1sc) 5 times changing to flesh is last sc, with flesh (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times, changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 2 times changing to purple in last sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 3 times.
Row 36: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 8 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 14 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 8 sc.
Row 37: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 4 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1sc) 7 times changing to purple in sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 4 times.
Row 38: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 10 sc changing to brown in last sc, with brown 10 sc changing to purple in last sc, with purple 10 sc.
Row 39: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 5 times changing to brown in last sc, with brown (bobble stitch, 1sc) 5 times changing to purple in sc, with purple (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 5 times.
Row 40: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 30 sc.
Row 41: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 15 times
Row 42: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 30 sc.
Row 43: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 15 times
Row 44: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 30 sc.
Row 45: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 15 times
Row 46: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 30 sc.
Row 47: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 15 times
Row 48: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 30 sc.
Row 49: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 15 times
Row 50: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 30 sc.
Row 51: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 15 times
Row 52: with purple yarn, 1 ch, 30 sc.
Row 53: with purple yarn, 3 ch, (bobble stitch, 1 sc) 15 times
Completing the Square
With black yarn embroider mouth as shown on the graph below (or refer to the completed photo). Weave in any loose end and you’re done!