Summertime Daisy Doll

Free doll knitting pattern including ice cream cone

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Our latest creation is Summertime Daisy Doll! With her sundress, sandals and ice cream, Daisy is all ready for summer! Pattern comes for instructions for both curly hair and bob hair cut.

The pattern is written in English, using 3.25 mm (UK 10, US 3) knitting needles and 8 ply/DK/Number 3 – light yarn. The finished doll measures approximately 34 cm (13.5 inches) tall. Daisy doll is knitted flat and then seamed.

I am very happy for you to use this pattern to make dolls for both yourself and to sell if you wish. However, please don’t post this pattern anywhere else, instead please link back to this page. Thank you! I hope you enjoy this pattern and please let me know if you spot any errors.

If you would prefer a PDF version of this pattern, you can purchase one from ETSY by clicking here


4 mm (UK 7, US 6) Knitting needles.

Wool (8 ply/DK) (all of these are small amounts, perfect for using up oddments):

Yellow (dress)

Flesh (body)

White (shoes, hat, ribbon)

Dark Brown or Orange (hair)

Light Brown (ice cream cone, bottom of shoes)

Pink (ice cream)

Either small amount of black embroidery thread or two safety eyes for the eyes.

2 small buttons (8 mm or less) for shoes


k = knit

p = purl

inc = increase by knitting/purling twice into the same stitch

k2tog = knit two stitches together

p2tog = purl two stitches together

st = stitch

st-st = stocking stitch

beg = beginning

yo = yarn over

B&T = break yarn and thread loose end through stitches on needle, pull yarn to gather tightly and fasten off


Main body (beginning at feet):

Right leg:

With flesh, cast on 5 sts, mark 5th st, then cast on 8 sts – 13 sts

Row 1 – p row

Row 2 – inc k wise into every st – 26 sts

Row 3-9 – beg with a p row st-st 7 rows

Row 10 – k1, (k2tog) 9 times, k7 – 17 sts

Row 11 – p row

Row 12 – k3, (k2tog) 3 times, k8 – 14 sts

Row 13-47 – beg with a p row, st-st 35 rows

Leave these sts on a holder and knit left leg.

Left leg:

With flesh, cast on 9 sts, mark 9th st, then cast on 4 sts – 13 sts

Row 1 – p row

Row 2 – inc k wise into every st – 26 sts

Row 3-9 – beg with a p row st-st 7 rows

Row 10 – k8, (k2tog) 9 times – 17 sts

Row 11 – p row

Row 12 – k9, (k2tog) 3 times, k2 – 14 sts

Row 13-47 – beg with a p row, st-st 35 rows


Row 1 – k all sts of left leg, then k across all sts of right leg – 28 sts

Row 2 – p row

Row 3 – (k5, k2tog) 4 times – 24 sts

Row 4-30 – beg with p row, st-st 27 rows

Row 31 – (k2, k2tog) 6 times – 18 sts

Row 32 – p row

Row 33 – (k, k2tog) 6 times – 12 sts

Row 34 – p row

Row 35 – (k, k2tog) 4 times – 8 sts

Rows 36-38 – beg with p row, st-st 3 rows

Row 39 – inc k wise into every st – 16 sts

Row 40 – inc p wise into every st – 32 sts

Row 41 – (k2, inc) to last two sts, k2 – 42

Row 42-58 – beg with p row, st-st 17 rows

Row 59 – (k1, dec) 14 times – 28 sts

Row 60 – p row

Row 61 – (k2tog) 7 times – 14 sts

Row 62 – p row

Row 63 (k2tog) 7 times – 7 sts


The marked stitches of the foot represent the centre front of each foot. Pin the foot together so these marks are at the centre front and then sew the sole and side of the foot. Stuff the foot. Sew together row ends of legs. The seam should run up the inside of the legs. Stuff legs. Sew together row ends of body, stuffing as you go. If you wish to place safety eyes, do this before sewing and stuffing the head. These are placed 14 rows from the top of the head. Sew together row ends of neck and finally the head, again stuffing as you go.

Arms beginning at hands – make two:

With flesh, cast on 4 sts

Row 1 – inc k wise into every st – 8 sts

Row 2-28 – beg with a p row, st-st 27 rows

Row 29 – cast off 1 st either end of k row – 6 sts

Row 30 – cast of 1 st either end of p row – 4 sts

Cast off.

Gather around cast on edge and pull tight. Sew together row ends of hand with flesh coloured yarn. Sew together row ends of sleeves with blue coloured yarn. Stuff arms lightly. Position on body so that the cast-off edge is at the top to form the shoulder and sew into place.


Option 1: Curly Orange Hair

With orange, cast on 9


Row 1 – inc 9 times – 18 sts

Row 2 – p row

Row 3 – inc 18 times – 36 sts

Row 4 – p row

Row 5 – (k2, inc) 12 times – 48 sts

Rows 6-18 – beg with p row, st-st 13 rows


(Cast on 30 sts, cast off 30 sts, k2tog on base, pass first stitch on needle over second so that you have one st left on the current needle. Slip this stitch onto the needle with the rest of knitting)

Repeat 8 times.

Cast off the next 12 sts for fringe.

(Cast on 30 sts, cast off 30 sts, k2tog on base, pass first stitch on needle over second so that you have one st left on the current needle. Slip this stitch onto the needle with the rest of knitting)

Repeat 8 times.

Fasten off.

Sew up row ends and gather around the cast on sts, pulling tight to form top of hair. Attach to head.

Option 2: Brown Bob Cut

With dark brown, cast on 25 sts

Row 1 – k row

Row 2 – p row

Row 3 – p row

Row 4 – k row

Repeat these four rows 9 more times

Decrease for fringe:

Row 1 – k row – 25 sts

Row 2 – p row

Row 3 – p row

Row 4 – cast off 13 sts, k to end of row – 12 sts

Row 5 – k row

Row 6 – p row

Row 7 – p row

Row 8 – k row

Repeat the last four rows 3 more times.

Row 1 – k row

Row 2 – p row

Row 3 – p row

Cast off.

Sew together the cast-off edge with part of the cast on edge as shown.

Free doll knitting pattern with little teddy bear and bunny slippers

Gather around the row ends shown at the top of the photo to form the top of the head and pull tightly. Fasten off. Attach hair to head.


Main body of dress:

Beginning at the top of the dress, cast on 40 sts in yellow.

Rows 1-8: work 8 rows of (k1, p1) rib

Row 9 – k1, (yo, k2tog) to last st, k1 – 40 sts

Row 10 – p row

Row 11 – (k3, p1) to end

Row 12 – (k1, p3) to end

Row 13 – (k3, p1) to end

Row 14 – (k1, p3) to end

Row 15 – (k3, p1) to end

Row 16 – (k1, p3) to end

Row 17 – (k1, inc, k1, p1) to end – 50 sts

Row 18 – (k1, p4) to end

Row 19 – (k4, p1) to end

Row 20 – (k1, p4) to end

Row 21 – (k4, p1) to end

Row 22 – (k1, p4) to end

Row 23 – (k4, p1) to end

Row 24 – (k1, p4) to end

Row 25 – (k4, p1) to end

Row 26 – (k1, p4) to end

Row 27 – (k4, p1) to end

Row 28 – (k1, p4) to end

Row 29 – (k4, p1) to end

Row 30 – (k1, p4) to end

Row 31 – (k3, inc, p1) to end – 60 sts

Row 32 – (k1, p5) to end

Row 33 – (k5, p1) to end

Row 34 – (k1, p5) to end

Row 35 – (k5, p1) to end

Row 36 – (k1, p5) to end

Row 37 – (k5, p1) to end

Row 38 – (k1, p5) to end

Cast off.

Sew together row ends. This seam is the centre back of the dress.

Dress straps (make 2):

Using yellow, cast on 3 sts

Row 1-13: k row

Cast off.

Place dress on doll and align straps so they sit over shoulders. Sew in place at front and back of dress (being careful not to sew to the doll if you want to be able to remove the dress).


Cast on 80 sts.

Cast off 80 sts. Weave from back centre around the dress through holes formed by yarn overs. Once the dress is placed on the doll, this ribbon can be tied in a bow to hold the dress in place.


Using white, cast on 9 sts

Row 1 – inc 9 times – 18 sts

Row 2 – p row

Row 3 – inc 18 times – 36 sts

Row 4 – p row

Row 5 – (k1, inc) 18 times – 54 sts

Rows 6-20 – beg with p row, st-st 15 rows

Row 21 – (k1, inc) 27 times – 81 sts

Rows 22-26 – beg with p row, st-st 5 rows

Cast off.

Sew together row ends. Gather around cast on sts at top of hat and pull tightly. Fasten off.


Right Shoe

Using light brown, cast on 9 sts, mark 9th st, cast on 8 sts – 17 sts

Row 1 – k row

Row 2 – inc, k6, inc, k1, inc, k6, inc – 21 sts

Row 3 – k row

Row 4 – inc, k8, inc, k1, inc, k8, inc – 25 sts

Row 5 – k row

Change to white yarn

Rows 1-3 – k rows

Row 4-8 – beg with p row, st-st 5 rows

Row 9 – k6, k2tog 3 times, k1, k2tog 3 times, k6  – 19 sts

Row 10 – p row

Row 11 – k5, turn

Row 12 – cast on 13 sts, p 18 sts (including 13 just cast on)

Row 13 – k16, yo, k2tog

Cast off these 18 sts p wise

Join yarn to other stitches. Cast off 9 sts, k to end – 5 sts

Row 1 – p row

Row 2 – k row

Cast off p wise

Left shoe

Using light brown, cast on 9 sts, mark 9th st, cast on 8 sts – 17 sts

Row 1 – k row

Row 2 – inc, k6, inc, k1, inc, k6, inc – 21 sts

Row 3 – k row

Row 4 – inc, k8, inc, k1, inc, k8, inc – 25 sts

Row 5 – k row

Change to white yarn

Rows 1-3 – k rows

Row 4-8 – beg with p row, st-st 5 rows

Row 9 – k6, k2tog 3 times, k1, k2tog 3 times, k6  – 19 sts

Row 10 – p row

Row 11 – k5, turn

Row 12 – p5

Row 13 – k5

Cast off p wise

Join yarn to other stitches. Cast off 9 sts, k to end – 5 sts

Row 1 – p 5 sts, cast on 13 sts – 18 sts

Row 2 – k row

Row 3 – p16, yo, p2tog

Cast off k wise

Marker on sole indicates front of shoe. Sew together cast on stitches to form sole. Sew together row ends to form back end of sole and back of the shoe. Sew small buttons into place.

Ice cream:


With light brown, cast on 10 sts

Row 1 – (k1, p1) to end, cast off last st – 9 sts

Row 2 – (p1, k1) to last st, p1

Row 3 – (k1, p1) to last st, k1, cast off last st – 8sts

Row 4 – (k1, p1) to end

Row 5 – (k1, p1) to end, cast off last st – 7 sts

Row 6 – (p1, k1) to last st, p1

Row 7 – (k1, p1) to last st, k1, cast off last st – 6 sts

Row 8 – (k1, p1)

Row 9 – (k1, p1) to end, cast off last st – 5 sts

Using the picture as a guide, sew the row ends with no decreases to the cast on edge.

Ice cream:

With pink, cast on 6 sts

Row 1 – inc 6 times – 12 sts

Row 2 – p row

Row 3 – (k1, inc) 6 times – 18 sts

Row 4-8 – beg with p row, st-st 5 rows

Row 9 – k1, (yo, k2tog) to last st, k1 – 18 sts

Row 10 – p row

Cast off.

Fold over row with yo so that it forms a scalloped edge. Sew in place. Sew together row ends. Gather around cast on sts and pull tight to form top of ice cream.

Lightly stuff both the cone and the ice cream. Attach ice cream to cone.Free doll knitting pattern including ice cream cone


  1. I absolutely love the pattern and want to thank you for sharing it. I will be making this for my grand daughter.

  2. This is my first attempt at making a doll.. I have found the pattern very easy to follow thank you.. the only part I’m not sure of is for the arms , where it says to sew together row ends of sleeve with blue yarn, could you explain what this means.thank you

    1. Sorry, that is a mistake – it should say sew together row ends of arms with flesh coloured yarn. Glad you’re enjoying the pattern and thanks for pointing out the error 😊

  3. Your patterns are really great. I made all of the Harry Potter characters and my family members are all fighting to own them.

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